Thursday, December 21, 2017

Natural Insomnia Remedy-Easy Steps To Sleep Better.

If you are having issues with insomnia, you have to read this:

Insomnia can be very frustrating and destructive to our health if it is an often recurring issue.

In this article we'll talk about a natural sleep remedy that is so effective it has the potential to save you from prescription sleeping pills and their nasty side effects.
You don't want to skip ahead with this article  so make sure you read to the very end because this cure for insomnia will not work if you skip the last part.
You probably have heard of melatonin and serotonin. Perhaps you also heard of something called tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid and It is essential in humans, meaning the body cannot synthesize it: it must be obtained from the foods we eat. 
Amino acids and proteins are  building blocks in our bodies and in this case the blocks creates the neurotransmitter  serotonin and the hormone melatonin.
So what has this to do with natural insomnia remedies you may ask?
Here's the deal:
Serotonin normally soothes your brain into a relaxed,ranquil state so sleep comes easily. If you wake in the middle of the night then serotonin prevents the anxiety from filling your head with worries that prevent you from falling back asleep.... AND melatonine IS our very sleep hormone.
In other words: what  a GREAT combo if we want to cure insomnia and sleep better at night. We just might be on to a natural cure for insomnia here...
What you want to do is make sure to eat some foods that are high in tryptophan somewhere between 5 and 3 hours before your bedtime.
Here are some of those foods:
  • cheese
  • beef 
  • soya 
  • chicken 
  • turkey 
  • fish 
  • eggs

By eating any of these foods you make sure that your body has tryptophan...
But not so fast!...
This is not enough, however, because the tryptophan in your blood has a hard time making it to the brain through the blood brain barrier, so it just stays in your body circulating around in the blood stream.
What you need to do in order for it work is:
 Eat a small amount of carbs 30 minutes prior to  your bedtime. About 100-120 calories of carbohydrates. This could be for example a banana, a potato, a sweet potato or why not a cup of berries with some honey? 
By eating that small amount of carbohydrates right before bedtime your body will react with a slight insulin response. Just enough to help push the tryptophan in your bloodstream, through the blood brain barrier, and...VOILA!!
...NOW  the the brain can have it's serotonin and melatonin... just in time for when you put your head on your pillow...and fall asleep...with a smile on your face.